The Baku Forum on Sustainable Development continued with sessions

As reported, the Baku Forum on Sustainable Development is being held on October 25-26.

High-ranking representatives of European and CIS countries, ombudsmen, representatives of the UN, international financial institutions, civil society, private sector and mass media took part in the Forum, which was jointly organized by the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Economy and the country representation of the United Nations. does.

Today, the forum continues its work with sessions on various topics.

In the "The role of youth, women, parliament, civil society and other stakeholders in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" session, interactive discussions were held on increasing the role of the parliament, civil society, scientific organizations, the private sector, youth and other social groups in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the session moderated by Hijran Huseynova, Chairman of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children's Issues, Marianna Shyotkina, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Belarus, shared the experience of the institutional and other measures implemented in Belarus in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). emphasized that it is an important platform for expansion.

Bahar Muradova, the Deputy Speaker of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, emphasized that Azerbaijan has achieved a number of successes in order to achieve the SDGs, that by hosting the Forum, our country attaches great importance to the realization of these goals, and informed about the work done in the field of improving the legislation.

The deputy head of the Azerbaijani delegation at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, MP Tahir Mirkishili, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Intigam Babayev, Chairperson of the National Council of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Maryam Majidova expressed their views on the topic, the measures implemented in the fields of economy, youth and sports, the directions in these fields They talked about the implementation of SDGs.

In the session "The Role of the Actualization, Acceleration and Policy Support Mission of the United Nations Development Program in the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals", the work done in the direction of the successful implementation of the SDGs, the role of the Actualization, Acceleration and Policy Support Mission of the United Nations Development Program to support the implementation of the SDGs the presented "Integration, Acceleration and Policy Support" (MAPS) platform was discussed. Addressing the session moderated by Rastislav Vrbensky, deputy director of the European and CIS regional office of the United Nations Development Program, the chairman of the State Statistics Committee, Tahir Budagov, informed about the work done in the direction of adapting the statistical system of Azerbaijan to international standards, strengthening the material and technical base of the national statistical system and international cooperation. he stressed that the measures implemented in the direction of development will be useful in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the SDG.

Larisa Belskaya, director of the General Department of Multilateral Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, shared her country's experience in achieving the SDGs and noted that the experience of selecting 17 young ambassadors for the SDGs in Azerbaijan can be applied in Belarus as well.

Presentations on the topic by Miloš Prisa, ambassador for special affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Ben Slay, senior adviser of the Regional Office for Europe and the CIS of the United Nations Development Program, speeches by the head of the FAO representative office in Azerbaijan, Melek Cakmak, and the representative of UNICEF in Azerbaijan, Edward Karwardi. listened to.

The session of the Baku Forum on "Strengthening regional partnership in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" on the topic of "Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development by 2030, ensuring access to justice for all and building efficient, responsible and inclusive organizations at all levels" Azerbaijan It was moderated by Elmira Süleymanova, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Moldova, Ombudsman. The session was attended by the Deputy Secretary General of the UN for Law, Security and Organizations Aleksandr Zuevin, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Turkey, Ombudsman Sheref Malkoç, Ambassador for Special Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Miloš Prisan, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ombudsman Askar Shakirov. , MP Elman Nasirov, Head of Humanitarian Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alimirzamin Askerov, spoke on the topic and exchanged views on the promotion and implementation of peaceful societies and non-discriminatory laws.

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